08 Feb Happy Lunar New Year 2024!
Happy Lunar New Year from TED Concept! May the Year of the Dragon bring prosperity, courage, and success. Here's to a legendary year filled with unity, growth, and shared achievements. Gong Xi Fa Cai! ...
Happy Lunar New Year from TED Concept! May the Year of the Dragon bring prosperity, courage, and success. Here's to a legendary year filled with unity, growth, and shared achievements. Gong Xi Fa Cai! ...
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season filled with warmth, laughter, and cherished moments. May this festive time bring you peace, happiness, and an abundance of blessings. Here's to new beginnings, renewed hope, and the magic of the season guiding you towards...
May the luck and prosperity of the Year of the Rabbit overflow into your life, bringing you good health, happiness, and success in all your endeavors. Wishing you a happy and fulfilling Chinese New Year. 玉兔迎春添新象,人逢泰世隨兔躍。愿兔年给您带来丰盛、健康和幸福! ...
As the year comes to a close, we want to take a moment to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023! May this holiday season brings you joy, happiness, and all the blessings you deserve. Thank...
Gong Xi Fa Cai! May all your dreams come true. I wish you a very Happy Lunar New Year with good luck, health and prosperity! 萬事如意迎新年,如虎添翼旺全年! ...
Merry Christmas from all of us! Here's to a season of love and harmony! Happy 2022! ...
BYREDO登陆中国海南 Byredo极具未来感的精品店令我们再次惊艳! 全新的Byredo精品店于今年初在海南三亚正式开幕。此家精品店延续了之前极具风格的未来感设计,让其在一众免税精品店中格外亮眼。其中创意的建材选择和组合,包含玻璃纤维,不锈钢及罕见的火山岩,更是让其店内设计锦上添花! 不仅如此,在这次设计上,Byredo更跳出了以往经典的白、灰、银色组合,加入了鲜艳又特出的黄色。而这一抹吸睛的黄色使用在了店内的焦点展示柜台,与其流线型设计完美融合,成为店内的画龙点睛之笔,也展示出工匠们的卓越手法及技术。 点此查看更多。 Byredo @ 海南三亚 Byredo @ 海南三亚 Byredo @ 海南三亚 PORTS - 中国成都 Ports International于中国成都开设了其全新的精品店。 这家位于成都王府井的精品店于年初竣工开幕。总所周知,Ports一直带给我们具有创意及独特个性的高奢时尚,这家精品店的店内设计也不例外,延续了品牌高端时尚的概念,让客户们能够享受精致又奢华的购物体验。 我们非常荣幸能够完成这项项目,因这家精品店的店内设计使用了大量不同的材料组合,不同的材质搭配也碰撞出了不同的效果与火花。这些不同以往的创意搭配非常具有挑战性,不过我们的工匠依旧保持高水准,用成熟的工艺技术漂亮地完成了这次的项目! 点此查看更多. Ports @ 成都王府井 Ports @ 成都王府井 Ports @ 成都王府井 Ports @ 成都王府井 Ports @ 成都王府井 慈善项目 - 安老院 慈善项目 - 安老院 慈善项目 - 安老院 如欲订阅我们的通讯Newsletters,请发送邮件至: marketing@tedintl.com 欲取消订阅,请发送邮件至 marketing@tedintl.com ...
BYREDO AT HAINAN, CHINA Byredo amazed us once again with their futuristic store in China. Byredo unveiled a new store at Sanya, Hainan early this year and continued the store design with their signature architecture. The futuristic design of this duty-free store makes Byredo stood out among...
DIPTYQUE的香氛艺术 Diptyque持续于中国扩展,继续让我们惊艳! “一场在过去与未来、传统与前卫之间的旅途, 去向一个让历史,想法与创造诞生的地方。” Diptyque成功且创意地让其精品店的设计,与其品牌的香氛艺术概念完美融合,向我们展示了大胆却细致的细节设计。 其中一家品牌旗舰店位于深圳MixC商场,并于2020年杪竣工开幕。店内设计使用了大片曲形玻璃打造门面,并以皇家蓝色带出其品牌优雅高贵的特色。不仅如此,店内的每一个部分都是经过精心打造,定制家具、波浪玻璃屏风、大型白金色灯笼、以及各式各样的艺术品摆设,都让这品牌旗舰店成为了一件闪耀的艺术品。 Diptyque @ 深圳MixC商场 Diptyque @ 深圳MixC商场 Diptyque @ 深圳MixC商场 Diptyque @ 深圳MixC商场 Diptyque @ 深圳MixC商场 Diptyque @ 沈阳MixC商场 除了深圳的品牌旗舰店,我们接着完成了其品牌的两家精品店,一家位于沈阳MixC商场,另一家则位于深圳罗湖MixC商场。 这两家精品店都延续了旗舰店的设计概念与风格,只不过以别样的色彩搭配,以及注入了不同以往的细节设计。比如,沈阳精品店的赤陶色门面,以及深圳罗湖精品店的皇家蓝色宝塔亭子,依然带出Diptyque品牌的概念与特色。这大大地表现出了我们工匠在处理细节制作上卓越的工艺技术,也展现出了工匠在不同材料上的专业运用。 点此查看更多。 Diptyque @ 深圳罗湖MixC商场 Diptyque @ 深圳罗湖MixC商场 如欲订阅我们的通讯Newsletter,请发送邮件至 marketing@tedintl.com 欲取消订阅,请发送邮件至 marketing@tedintl.com ...
DIPTYQUE IN CHINA Diptyque continues to expand and amaze us with their finely-designed stores in China. “A journey between the past and the future, between tradition and the avant-garde, towards another place where history, new ideas and disruption combine.” Diptyque has the art of fragrance integrated with...